Come Join Us For The Midwest Wagyu Meeting
on October 11, 2024 at 12:00 PM
at the Bluegrass Stockyards in Lexington, KY
About The Wagyu Super
The premier seed stock sale in North America for the Wagyu Breed
The Wagyu Super is an annual multi-day event held every Fall in October at the Bluegrass Stockyards in Lexington, KY. This is an annual Wagyu Open Consignment Event for Select Animals.
Friday – The Friday Night Oaks features the best young heifers (virgin heifers or heifers bred for their first calf of all ages) in the breed in the USA.
Saturday – The Super Sale features cows, heifers, bred cows, cow/calf pairs, bulls, and frozen genetics.
Enjoy Lexington’s exciting attractions, shopping, and incredible dining during your stay for The Wagyu Super. It’s time to celebrate the fabulous breed of WAGYU and make this a memorable event that will become a longstanding tradition for both Wagyu Breeders and Buyers all over the world.